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Repair + Newness

Repair + Newness

Introducing our new products to join our Repair + range 

Lip Oil 

Not an average lip balm that feels waxy & sticky or a regular oil that makes your lips simply look shiny. 

 Repair + Oil is made from the same base ingredients as our cream and oil. It provides relief from sore chapped lips, hydrates and heals them from within and prevents future chapping and cracking.

A luxurious treatment designed to provide the ultimate in hydration and healing.  Protect your lips from the elements and level up your lip care routine. Packed with nourishing oils to Repair and protect.  

Cleansing Balm

A beautiful balm developed to work alongside our Repair + cream and oil.  

 Warm a scoop of cleansing balm in your fingers and apply to skin gently. Massage in to dissolve any makeup  and cleanse away impurities and build up, as well as pollution and daily grime that can accumulate on your skin day-to-day. Cleansing your skin every day, even if you've not put a bit of makeup on, is important to maintaining your skin's health and radiance 


Add a splash of water to emulsify and soften the balm, and continue to massage your face.  Rinse off and remove using a soft cloth.  Pat your face dry and finish with your usual Repair + routine.  


Warning only use if you are prepared for plenty of compliments on your glowing complexion.   PS Don’t gatekeeper spread the Repair + word